Categories 2024

ICCLA Circular Economy Award

Candidates for the Circular Economy Award will be judged based on their dedication to circular economy principles, focusing on waste reduction, resource efficiency and innovative strategies.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Implementation of Circular Economy Principles: What has your  organisation implemented in adhering to circular economy principles. These  can include waste reduction, recycling initiatives, managing resources and  innovative strategies.

4. Reduction of Resource Consumption and Efficiency Measures: What demonstrated efforts has your organisation made in reductions of key resource consumption like water, energy, raw materials, and other inputs, include quantifiable data (if possible) illustrating the decrease in usage over a defined period.

5. Environmental and Economic Impact Assessment: What environmental  and economic impact have the above measured had on the overall organisations carbon output and financial performance.

6. Collaboration and Partnerships: What collaborate efforts and partnerships have your organisation been involved with to advance sustainability goals and foster collective action.

Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Education Provider of the Year

Candidates for the ICCLA Education Provider of the Year Award will be judged based on their dedication to introducing climate, environmental and sustainable topics into their curriculum, course list etc.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Curriculum Integration: What has your organisation done to integrate climate change, sustainability, and environmental topics into its curriculum. What new training courses/degrees are now available to prospective students.

4. Innovation in Teaching and Learning: What demonstrated efforts has your organisation made in delivery that engages students through innovative teaching methods and collaboration with external partners.

5. Community Engagement and Outreach: Your organisations community engagement efforts focused on climate change and sustainability awareness. Any outreach programs, partnerships with local entities, include impact assessment metrics if possible.

6. Leadership and Advocacy: The organisations leadership role and advocacy efforts in promoting climate, environmental, and sustainable topics within their institution and beyond.

7. Research and Scholarship: The organisations research and scholarly activities related to climate, environmental, and sustainable topics. Evaluate the quality, relevance, and impact of your research output in addressing pressing issues in these areas.
Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Food Company of the Year

The ICCLA Food Company of the Year Award recognises leaders in sustainable food production, setting the standard for a greener future in the industry.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Sustainable Sourcing: To what extent has  your organisation made efforts to source ingredients responsibly, minimize  environmental impact, and support sustainable farming practices.

4. Environmental Impact: Provide evidence of the organisations measures to reduce carbon footprint, minimize waste generation, and implement eco-friendly production processes.

5. Food Safety Standards: Showcase the organisations adherence to rigorous food safety protocols and certifications to ensure the highest standards of product quality and consumer safety.

6. Community Support: Demonstrate the organisations efforts to support local communities, such as partnerships with local farmers, food banks, and community development programs.

7. Innovation in Sustainability: Showcase the organisations innovative approaches and initiatives to advance sustainability within the food industry. Including implementing new technologies or practices to reduce environmental impact and promote ethical practices.
Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Green Building Project of the Year

The ICCLA Green Building Project of the Year Award recognises exemplary projects that demonstrate innovation, sustainability and environmental responsibility in the design, construction, and operation of the building. The project must be completed within the last 18 months.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Sustainable Design and Construction Practices: Show the implementation of sustainable design and construction practices emphasising strategies to minimize environmental impact and promote resource efficiency throughout the building lifecycle.

4. Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Integration: Demonstrate the  projects efforts to optimise energy efficiency and integrate renewable energy  sources into the design and operation reducing carbon emissions.

5. Resource Efficiency & Circular Economy Principles: Demonstrate the implementation of resource efficient and circular economy principles minimising waste generation and maximizing material reuse.

6. Indoor Environmental Quality and Wellness Considerations: Showcase the projects focus on indoor environmental quality and wellness considerations which create a healthy and comfortable indoor environment for occupants.

7. Certifications and Standards: Include the project's attainment of green building certifications, showcasing its commitment to sustainability and adherence to rigorous environmental standards.
Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Green Energy Supplier of the Year

The ICCLA Green Energy Supplier of the Year Award recognises energy providers who excel in delivering renewable energy solutions, reducing carbon emissions driving positive environmental impact.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Environmental Impact and Sustainability: Demonstrate commitment to environmental responsibility showcasing the organisations use of renewable energy sources and efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

4. Innovation and Technology: Provide evidence of the organisations innovative approach to new technologies, investments made into research and development of green energy solutions.

5. Community Engagement and Social Responsibility: Showcase the organisations engagement with local communities and their commitment to social responsibility in the energy sector.

6. Operational Excellence: Demonstrate operational excellence in delivering green energy solutions, including grid integration, customer satisfaction, transparent pricing, and compliance with environmental regulations and certifications.

7. Impact and Leadership: Provide evidence of outcomes like emissions reductions or increased renewable energy use. You should also highlight leadership qualities, such as collaboration and driving positive change.
Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Logistics Company of the Year

The ICCLA Logistics Company of the Year Award recognises logistics firms leading the way in sustainable transportation and supply chain management minimizing carbon emissions and adopting sustainable practices.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Carbon Emission Reduction Initiatives: Give evidence of initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions throughout operations, showcasing commitment to environmental sustainability.

4. Sustainable Transport Practices: Showcase the organisations adoption of sustainable transportation practices, emphasising commitment to reducing environmental impact and promoting eco-friendly modes of transportation.

5. Innovation in Supply Chain Efficiency: Highlight the organisations innovative approaches to enhancing supply chain efficiency, highlighting the use of technology and creative solutions to optimise operations.

6. Operational Excellence: Showcase the organisations efficiency, on-time delivery, safety compliance, technology integration, and customer service.

7. Transparency and Stakeholder Engagement: Showcase the organisations commitment to transparent communication and engagement with stakeholders. Including open dialogue and accountability in your operations, ensuring that stakeholders are informed and involved indecision-making processes.
Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Manufacturer of the Year

The ICCLA Manufacturer of the Year Award recognises manufacturing companies that have demonstrated excellence and innovation in their industry based on their commitment to quality, efficiency, sustainability, and innovation in manufacturing processes and product development.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Sustainable Production Practices: Highlight the implementation of sustainable production practices, focusing on environmentally responsible methods and resource-efficient processes.

4. Use of Green Materials and Technologies: Show evidence of the organisation’s adoption of green materials and technologies in their production processes, emphasizing the use of eco-friendly materials and sustainable technologies.

5. Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Adoption: Showcase the organisations efforts to improve energy efficiency and incorporate renewable energy sources into their operations, reducing carbon emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

6. Circular Economy Practices: Provide evidence of the organisation’s adoption of circular economy practices, focusing on strategies to minimize waste, maximize resource efficiency, and promote product reuse and recycling.

7. Environmental Certifications and Compliance: Include the organisations attainment of environmental certifications and compliance with relevant regulations and standards, demonstrating their commitment to environmental responsibility.
Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Recycling Project of the Year

The ICCLA Recycling Project of the Year Award recognises excellence in recycling innovation, waste reduction, and circular economy practices.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Volume and Types of Materials Recycled: Provide details of the quantity and variety of materials recycled by the project, highlighting the project's effectiveness in diverting waste from landfills and promoting recycling efforts.

4. Innovation in the Recycling Process: Showcase the organisations innovative approaches and technologies employed in the recycling process, highlighting advancements that improve efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability.

5. Community Engagement and Education: Highlight the organisations efforts to engage and educate the community about recycling practices, fostering awareness, participation, and behaviour change towards sustainable waste management.

6. Reduced Environmental Impact: Provide evidence of the organisations success in reducing its environmental footprint through recycling efforts, including reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption, and resource depletion.

7. Circular Economy Principles: Show the organisations adherence to circular economy principles, emphasizing strategies to minimize waste generation, maximize resource efficiency, and promote closed-loop systems.
Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Retailer of the Year

The ICCLA Retailer of the Year of the Year Award recognises companies leading the way in environmental sustainability within the retail sector.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Sustainable Product Offerings: Highlight the organisations commitment to offering sustainable products, promoting environmentally friendly options, and reducing the environmental footprint of product evidence of initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions throughout operations, showcasing commitment to environmental sustainability.

4. Green Supply Chain Practices: Show the organisations efforts to implement environmentally sustainable practices throughout its supply chain, from sourcing to distribution, aiming to reduce carbon emissions, minimize waste.

5. Energy Efficiency and Green Operations: Show evidence of the  organisations initiatives to enhance energy efficiency and promote  environmentally friendly operations across its facilities and operations,  aiming to reduce carbon emissions and minimize environmental impact.

6. Consumer Education and Engagement: Highlight the organisations efforts to educate and engage consumers on environmental sustainability, climate action, and responsible consumption practices, fostering awareness and promoting behaviour change.

7. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives: Highlight any Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, including efforts to contribute positively to society, support local communities, and address social and environmental issues.
Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Sustainable Packaging Award  

The ICCLA Sustainable Packaging Award recognises excellence in sustainable packaging practices, including the use of environmentally friendly materials, reduction of packaging waste, and innovative design solutions.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Materials Selection and Usage: Show the  organisations consideration in selecting packaging materials, prioritizing environmentally friendly options such as recycled or biodegradable materials.

4. Waste Reduction and Optimisation: Provide evidence of the organisations efforts to minimize packaging waste through optimization strategies that reduce size, weight, or volume while maintaining product integrity.

5. Innovative Design  Solutions: Highlight the organisations innovative packaging designs that prioritize sustainability, such as reusable or refillable formats, modular systems, or alternative materials

6. Environmental Impact Assessment: Include the  organisations environmental impact assessments of packaging materials and designs, including life cycle assessments (LCAs) or carbon footprint analyses
Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Sustainable Procurement Team of the Year (Public Sector)

The ICCLA Sustainable Procurement Team of the Year Award recognises teams that have demonstrated excellence and innovation in sustainable procurement practices.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Sustainable Sourcing Practices: Demonstrate the team's implementation of environmentally and socially responsible procurement  decisions, emphasizing sustainable sourcing practices.

4. Supplier Engagement  and Collaboration: Show the team's efforts to engage with suppliers and collaborate on sustainability initiatives, fostering partnerships for mutual benefit and impact.

5. Carbon Footprint Reduction: Show evidence of the team's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint through various initiatives and strategies, contributing to climate change mitigation.

6. Waste Reduction and Circular Economy: Show evidence of the team's efforts to minimize waste generation and promote a circular economy approach within its procurement practices.
Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Sustainable Procurement Team of the Year (Private Sector)

The ICCLA Sustainable Procurement Team of the Year Award recognises teams that have demonstrated excellence and innovation in sustainable procurement practices.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Sustainable Sourcing Practices: Demonstrate the team's implementation of environmentally and socially responsible procurement  decisions, emphasizing sustainable sourcing practices.

4. Supplier Engagement  and Collaboration: Show the team's efforts to engage with suppliers and collaborate on sustainability initiatives, fostering partnerships for mutual benefit and impact.

5. Carbon Footprint Reduction: Show evidence of the team's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint through various initiatives and strategies, contributing to climate change mitigation.

6. Waste Reduction and Circular Economy: Show evidence of the team's efforts to minimize waste generation and promote a circular economy approach within its procurement practices.
Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Sustainability Strategy of the Year Award

The ICCLA Sustainability Strategy of the Year Award recognises excellence and dedication to circular economy principles, waste reduction, resource efficiency and innovative strategies working towards a sustainable and resilient future.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250  words summarise why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250  words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.  

3. Background: Please provide a background to the strategy, why it was needed and how it was developed?

4. Implementation: How was the strategy implemented into the organisation – training, employee / customer  initiatives, staff engagement, management buy in.

5. Challenges Overcome in Strategy Implementation: Describe any challenges faced in implementing your strategy and how you overcame them

6. Impact / Planned Outcomes of the Strategy: What are the benefits  of your strategy to the organisation, to sustainability, climate change? What future benefits do you expect from your strategy? Please provide evidence.

7. Feedback on the Strategy: Please provide feedback from colleagues / stakeholders or others in the organisation who have worked closely with the strategy
Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Sustainability Team of the Year (Over 1000 employees)

The ICCLA Sustainability Team of the year Award celebrates exceptional teamwork in sustainability and climate action, honouring those driving meaningful change through leadership, innovation, and collaboration in environmental stewardship and climate resilience.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Sustainability Leadership: Showcase the teams leadership in advancing sustainability goals within the organisation or team.

4. Collaboration and Engagement: Highlight the teams  collaborate efforts with internal and external stakeholders to promote sustainability and climate action.

5. Innovation and Creativity: Showcase the teams  innovative approaches and creative solutions to address sustainability in the organisation.

6. Measurable Results and Impacts: Give evidence of the measurable results and impacts attained through sustainability and climate action endeavours. This evidence should clearly demonstrate the effectiveness and significance of the teams efforts in driving positive change and fostering sustainability practices.

Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Sustainability Team of the Year (Under 1000 employees)

The ICCLA Sustainability Team of the year Award celebrates exceptional teamwork in sustainability and climate action, honouring those driving meaningful change through leadership, innovation, and collaboration in environmental stewardship and climate resilience.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Sustainability Leadership: Showcase the teams leadership in advancing sustainability goals within the organisation or team.

4. Collaboration and Engagement: Highlight the teams  collaborate efforts with internal and external stakeholders to promote sustainability and climate action.

5. Innovation and Creativity: Showcase the teams  innovative approaches and creative solutions to address sustainability in the organisation.

6. Measurable Results and Impacts: Give evidence of the measurable results and impacts attained through sustainability and climate action endeavours. This evidence should clearly demonstrate the effectiveness and significance of the teams efforts in driving positive change and fostering sustainability practices.

Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Sustainable Transport Award  

The Sustainable Transport Award recognises an organisations transportation operation, considering environmental impact, efficiency, innovation, safety, and community engagement.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Environmental Impact and Emissions Reduction: Showcase efforts to  minimize the environmental impact of your transportation operations, focusing  on reducing carbon emissions and adopting sustainable fuel sources.

4. Efficiency and  Optimization: Show the team's efforts to optimize transportation routes and modes to minimize fuel consumption and emissions. Additionally, you should highlight practices for efficient vehicle maintenance and fleet management, ensuring resources are used effectively.

5. Innovation and Technology Adoption: Showcase adoption of innovative technologies and practices aimed at enhancing sustainability within transportation operations. This could include investments in research and development for sustainable transportation solutions and the integration of smart transportation systems.

6. Safety and Compliance: Demonstrate your commitment  to ensuring the safety of passengers, drivers, and pedestrians through the  implementation of safety measures and compliance with regulations.

6. Community Engagement and Social Responsibility: Highlight engagement with local communities to address transportation-related challenges and  contribute to local economic development and social well-being.
Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Tourism/Hospitality Company of the Year

The ICCLA Tourism/Hospitality Company of the Year Award recognises companies in the tourism and hospitality sector that demonstrate outstanding commitment to environmental sustainability, climate action, and responsible tourism practices

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Sustainable Operations: Showcase sustainable  operational practices, focusing on efforts to minimize environmental impact  and promote responsible resource management.

4. Carbon Emission Reduction Efforts: Highlight initiatives aimed at reducing carbon emissions and mitigating the environmental impact of  its operations.

5. Conservation and Biodiversity Protection: Showcase efforts to conserve natural habitats and protect biodiversity within the organisation’s operational areas.

6. Community Engagement and Socioeconomic Development: Show evidence of engagement with local communities and contributions to socioeconomic development in the regions where you operate.

7. Education and Awareness Initiatives: Show evidence of initiatives aimed at educating and raising awareness among guests, employees, and local communities about environmental sustainability and responsible tourism practices.
Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA Urban Greening Project of the Year

The ICCLA Urban Greening Project of the Year Award recognises innovative initiatives that enhance urban spaces, improve environmental quality, and benefit communities. The project must have been completed in the last 18 months.  

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Environmental Impact: Provide evidence of the project's environmental impact, including its contributions to improving air and water quality, enhancing biodiversity, and promoting overall  environmental sustainability within urban areas.

4. Community Engagement: Showcase the  project's engagement with the local community, including outreach efforts, participation opportunities, and feedback mechanisms.

5. Innovation: Show evidence of the project's innovative approaches and technologies, highlighting advancements that set it apart and enhance its effectiveness.

6. Social Equality: Show evidence of the project's efforts to promote social equality and inclusivity, ensuring that benefits are equitably distributed across diverse communities.

7. Long-Term Sustainability: Demonstrate the project's viability and resilience over the long term, assessing its ability to maintain positive impacts and benefits into the future.

Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

ICCLA ESG Leader of the Year  

Candidates for the ICCLA ESG Leader of the Year Award recognises firms or professionals who demonstrate commitment to embedding ESG principles into their organisation. Spearheading the future vision of ESG incorporation into workplaces and businesses with a global climate action focus.

Please note your document should be no more than 2500 words.


1. Email - Email application to
2. Apply online - Click here to submit your application online


1. Summary: In no more than 250 words summarize why your company deserves to win this award.

2. Company Background: In no more than 250 words describe your organisation include the size (employee number), nature of your organisation etc.

3. Integration of ESG: Please explain how you have integrated ESG components into your organisation and what makes your approach a standout as an award-winning strategy? Please use the headings Environmental – Social – Governance and elaborate on each.

4. Climate Change Adaption Measures: How has  your organisation adapted projects and plans to incorporate climate change policies.

5. Engagement: This section evaluates  the organisations efforts to engage with companies, policymakers, and stakeholders to promote ESG principles and drive positive change.

6. Impact and Measurement: How does the organisation measure the level of engagement and impact of your principles. How is this reported and demonstrated?
Essential Tips for A Successful Entry

A successful application must address all the points above.

Marks will be allocated only on the evidence you provide.

Don’t underestimate the power of presentation! You can use bullet points, charts, photographs, and client feedback in your submission. The more impressive your application appears and the stronger your evidence, the more it will support your case with the judges.

Make sure to include information on your exceptional successes during the year such as business systems, innovations or techniques that have reaped significant benefits.

Remember your document should be no more than 2500 words.

DO NOT include company marketing brochures in your entry.

We reserve the right to quality check applications and may contact to ask for additional information if necessary.

Biodiversity Protection Award

Relevant to conservation organizations, environmental NGOs, corporations implementing biodiversity conservation measures, and initiatives focused on habitat restoration, species protection, and ecosystem conservation.

Click below for full criteria on how to apply


Behaviour Change Campaign of the Year

Relevant to organizations, government agencies, or nonprofits running campaigns aimed at promoting sustainable behaviours, such as energy conservation, waste reduction, sustainable transportation, or water conservation.

Click below for full criteria on how to apply


ESG Initiative of the Year

Relevant to companies or organizations implementing ESG initiatives addressing environmental, social, and governance issues, such as diversity and inclusion programs, employee well-being initiatives, or carbon reduction strategies.

Click below for full criteria on how to apply


Health & Safety Initiative of the Year

This award is open to all public and private sector organisations.

For full criteria on how to apply, and the information you should include, click below to view and download the application PDF


Construction Client of the Year

This award is open to all organisations who have led the commissioning of construction projects. The independent testimonial must come from someone outside the client’s organisation with direct knowledge or experience of working with the nominated client. The submitted evidence will be for project procured in the last 18 months.

For full criteria on how to apply, and the information you should include, click below to view and download the application PDF


Excellence in Education & Training

This award is for those who can demonstrate a positive and progressive approach to training and developing staff. Entrants will be assessed on the outcomes of their training initiatives, as well as the innovation shown in developing new training methods and the time allocated to training. Judges will also be looking for strong leadership and commitment to training, as well as evidence of an embedded culture of training.

This award highlights overall business performance in training, rather than one specific project or initiative, although examples of these should be included to support your entry.

For full criteria on how to apply, and the information you should include, click below to view and download the application PDF


Diversity & Inclusion Initiative of the Year

This award is to recognise industry-leading performance by an in making specific efforts to develop a diverse and inclusive culture that permeates the workforce.

The entry should demonstrate the business’s attempts to foster a more diverse and inclusive workplace for all employees and describe how this is helping to attract and retain talent. It could include internal company initiatives, or work to promote a wide range of construction careers to appeal to different people.

This can be illustrated at both head office and project delivery level, and might also be as part of a partnership, framework,or joint venture. The entry should have one main proposer but may also provide details of other relevant companies involved.

For full criteria on how to apply, and the information you should include, click below to view and download the application PDF


Project Management Team of the Year

This award recognises the most outstanding project and construction management team in Ireland over the past 18 months

For full criteria on how to apply, and the information you should include, click below to view and download the application PDF