Relevant to organizations, government agencies, or nonprofits running campaigns aimed at promoting sustainable behaviours, such as energy conservation, waste reduction, sustainable transportation, or water conservation.


1. Clear and Compelling Messaging
Demonstrate a well-crafted and clear messaging strategy that effectively communicates the goals and importance of the behavior change campaign. Highlight how the messaging resonates with the target audience and encourages positive environmental actions.

2. Creative and Engaging Content
Showcase the creativity and engagement levels of the campaign's content across various platforms, such as social media, events, or traditional media. Provide examples of visually appealing and impactful content that captures the attention of the audience.

3. Measurable Impact on Behavior Change
Provide evidence of the campaign's impact on changing behaviors related to environmental sustainability. Utilize data, surveys, or other metrics to demonstrate the effectiveness of the campaign in inspiring tangible changes in the targeted audience.

4. Multi-Channel Approach
Highlight the use of a multi-channel approach in reaching and engaging the target audience. Showcase how the campaign leverages various platforms and channels to maximize its reach and effectiveness.

5. Sustainability Integration
Demonstrate how the behavior change campaign aligns with and promotes sustainable practices.  Highlight any actions taken by the business to ensure the campaign itself minimizes its environmental impact.

We strongly recommend that you write out your application before inputting into the form. If anything goes wrong you don't want to lose all your info and start again!

Alternatively you can submit your application to Noeleen Skelly via email.
Terms & Conditions
CMG Events reserve the right to make any necessary changes to the advertised programme including a change of venue or date. The views expressed by the Judges are not necessarily those held by the organisers, nor is the organiser responsible for judges opinions or statements. Your entry will be judged upon the first 2000 words. We do not sell your data to a third party- we may use your contact details for the purposes of notifying you of other awards, conferences or training courses that we run. If you do not wish for us to contact you again, please let us know by emailing