This award recognizes businesses that go above and beyond to safeguard and enhance biodiversity in their operations and surrounding communities.

Relevant to conservation organizations, environmental NGOs, corporations implementing biodiversity conservation measures, and initiatives focused on habitat restoration, species protection, and ecosystem conservation.


1. Conservation Efforts and Habitat Restoration
Showcase initiatives and actions taken by the business to actively conserve and protect biodiversity. Highlight any habitat restoration projects, conservation programs, or partnerships with conservation organizations.

2. Biodiversity Monitoring and Reporting
Demonstrate a commitment to monitoring and assessing biodiversity within the business's operations. Provide evidence of regular reporting on biodiversity metrics, including species diversity, habitat health, and other relevant indicators.

3. Community Engagement in Biodiversity Conservation
Showcase efforts to engage and involve local communities in biodiversity conservation activities.  Highlight educational programs, community partnerships, or initiatives that raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity protection.

4. Protection of Endangered Species
Highlight specific actions or programs aimed at protecting and supporting endangered or vulnerable species. Provide data or case studies illustrating the positive impact of these efforts on the conservation status of targeted species.

5. Integration of Biodiversity Considerations in Business Practices
Demonstrate how the business integrates biodiversity considerations into its overall business practices. Highlight policies, procedures, or decisions that prioritize biodiversity protection and minimize negative impacts on ecosystems.

We strongly recommend that you write out your application before inputting into the form. If anything goes wrong you don't want to lose all your info and start again!

Alternatively you can submit your application to Noeleen Skelly via email.
Terms & Conditions
CMG Events reserve the right to make any necessary changes to the advertised programme including a change of venue or date. The views expressed by the Judges are not necessarily those held by the organisers, nor is the organiser responsible for judges opinions or statements. Your entry will be judged upon the first 2000 words. We do not sell your data to a third party- we may use your contact details for the purposes of notifying you of other awards, conferences or training courses that we run. If you do not wish for us to contact you again, please let us know by emailing